
Go Vocal’s blog—get insights, advice, and all the latest information on trends to help you foster meaningful engagement.

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Strategic Planning & Budgeting
local plan consultation communication strategy
Sören Fillet
April 25, 2024

Decoding Local Plans: A deep dive into West Oxfordshire and Cotswold Councils’ communication strategy

Engaging the public on the complex topic of local planning poses significant challenges. To explore how a well-crafted communications strategy can help overcome these hurdles, we sat down with Mark Prichard, the Head of Communications for West Oxfordshire, Cotswold, and Forest of Dean Councils (UK) to talk about their recent success.

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Engagement Strategy

Data, diversity, and connection: lessons from New York City’s Public Engagement Unit

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Engagement Strategy

Boost your community engagement with Events

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Engagement Strategy

Best practices for moderation of a community engagement platform

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Strategic Planning & Budgeting
Community engagement barriers and challenges
Sören Fillet
July 4, 2023

Community engagement barriers and challenges

Our local governments are becoming increasingly more tech-driven, yet digital participation isn’t always growing at the same speed. So, what are the main barriers to participation and how can digital tools help?

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Engagement 101
Vanja Pantic
July 3, 2023

6 tips for multilingual community engagement

Running inclusive and participatory community engagement projects requires meeting people where they are. In part, that means having a plan for multilingual engagement to ensure that everyone in your community has the ability to participate. By removing language barriers, your community engagement efforts will be more inclusive, participatory, and representative.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
July 2, 2023

Create an interactive planning process with the Konveio integration

Whether you’re working in the public or private sector, you’ll inevitably find yourself needing buy-in from community members and other stakeholders. Comprehensive plans, economic development plans, strategic plans, climate action plans, mobility plans – whatever your mandate, most planning processes share the same core components and necessitate public engagement.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
June 21, 2023

Boost engagement with anonymous participation

Anonymous participation can be the key to unlocking engagement on topics that your community is divided on. We’ve helped clients host their fair share of such projects on CitizenLab platforms, and we heard the desire for an anonymous participation option loud and clear. Read more to learn how this latest feature can help increase engagement rates.

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Digital engagement pioneers: Audrey Tang, Taiwan's Digital Minister
Sören Fillet
June 21, 2023

Pioneers #1: Audrey Tang, Taiwan's Digital Minister

Born in 1981 in Taiwan, Audrey Tang has made waves as a software programmer and civic hacker-turned-Digital Minister.

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Engagement 101
engagement team roles skills responsibilities
Sören Fillet
June 19, 2023

Sculpting an impactful engagement team: essential roles and skills

An effective community engagement team, similar to a well-tuned orchestra, relies on a mix of diverse roles each playing their unique part in harmony. As for most teams, the key to success lies in bringing together people with different personalities, skills, and abilities. During his time as Go Vocal's Government Success Manager, Hugo De Brouwer explained which roles and skills an organisation needs to take participation to the next level.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
June 16, 2023

3 Tips to Blend Online and Offline Community Engagement

Are you a firm believer in the offline old-school? Or do you choose the digital route whenever you can? Good news: when it comes to community engagement, you don’t have to pick one.

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Neighbourhoods & Community Development
Sören Fillet
June 16, 2023

The citizens' assembly: how deliberation tackles polarization

While citizens’ assemblies and panels have been around since the dawn of democracy, they’ve recently received increased attention as an effective means of resolving polarized debates and restoring public trust in democratic institutions.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
June 15, 2023

How to leverage AI in community engagement

Three years ago we asked ourselves, “How can natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies help digital democracy platforms?” CitizenLab developed a feature that realizes just that.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
June 14, 2023

4 reasons social media isn't enough for community engagement

When it comes to engaging with the public, social media is often a first instinct for many government officials. It is easy to access, widely utilised, and is often the first place people go to share their opinions on trending issues or topics in their communities. In fact, according to TechCrunch, 62% of adults now get their news from social media. But when it comes to meaningful and effective community engagement, especially if it’s in pursuit of inclusive and equitable policy-making, social media lacks the moderation, security, and deliberation required for officials to make truly representative decisions.

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Environment & Sustainability
Vanja Pantic
June 14, 2023

What cities can do now to tackle climate change

We’ve had a year of extreme weather. Around the world, cities of all sizes were ravaged by natural disasters.

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Engagement 101
quiz culture of engagement
Sören Fillet
June 10, 2023

Quiz: How strong is your culture of engagement?

Ever wondered how you match up on your community engagement efforts? We’ve got just the quiz for you. Answer a few questions, get a clear score of your efforts, and get resources to support you as you level up.

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Engagement 101
Sören Fillet
June 6, 2023

Slacktivism': Legitimate Action or Just Lazy Liking?

It sounds like a contradictio in terminis, like ‘sound of silence’ or ‘sensible Twitter debate’. But ‘slacktivism’, a contraction of ‘activism’ and uh, ‘slacking’, has become a widespread phenomenon that urges us to reflect on the nature of activism and participation.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
May 15, 2023

How do you combine online and offline community engagement efforts?

Digital community engagement can complement offline engagement, but it doesn’t replace it. Offline participation methods are still widespread, as they’ve proven their value for many communities by allowing for deliberation and debate.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
May 10, 2023

Promoting sustainable development with community engagement

By engaging their communities and tapping into collective intelligence, cities across the globe can set better priorities and facilitate sustainable development on a local scale.

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Vanja Pantic
May 10, 2023

How to not get overwhelmed by AI trends in local goverment

This article was first published on Apolitical

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
May 8, 2023

Community engagement strategy template

A comprehensive community engagement strategy is key to ensuring the smooth launch of – and satisfying outcomes for – projects. Before initiating a project, it’s best to set clear objectives, define roles and responsibilities, and select the most promising communication channels. Looking for some guidance? Discover CitizenLab’s Online Engagement Canvas and how it can help you design your strategy.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
May 6, 2023

Measuring social impact: 4 things to consider for better evaluation

Community engagement platforms can increase civic participation, improve trust between residents and governments, and can help collect data that increases the impact of your projects. When you optimize the way you use social impact data, there’s a real opportunity to assess a project’s performance and outcomes, improve future processes, and run more efficient and ethical projects.

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Environment & Sustainability
Natalie Ricklefs
May 2, 2023

Community engagement for environmental justice and sustainability

Objectively, climate change and environmental issues affect everyone. It’s also undeniable that marginalized groups are affected disproportionately by them, having traditionally lived and worked closest to pollution hazards such as hazardous waste facilities or in communities with a lack of clean water.

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Engagement 101
Sören Fillet
April 27, 2023

What's the difference between deliberation and participation?

Deliberation and participation may seem like similar concepts. At their core, they kind of are: both deliberative and participatory democracies are systems that include community members in governance.

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Engagement 101
Sören Fillet
April 19, 2023

How to measure the effectiveness of your engagement platform

Have you ever logged into an analytics dashboard and felt daunted by all the numbers on your screen? You’re not alone. When trying to measure the effectiveness of your online community engagement efforts, the challenge is to sift through numerous available metrics and analyse the relevant ones so you can get to actionable insights.

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Engagement 101
Sören Fillet
April 11, 2023

5 ways to convince citizens to trust and use your platform

When setting up a participation platform, the matter of trust is something that pops up quite often.

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Strategic Planning & Budgeting
Sören Fillet
April 11, 2023

8 steps towards effective participatory budgeting

Participatory budgeting can be a powerful tool for local councils to educate, engage, and empower communities. As one of the methods ranking highest on the participation ladder, this kind of engagement project transfers considerable decision-making power to residents and stakeholders and thus maximises the many benefits of community engagement. But what does it all entail? And how do you get started?

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
April 5, 2023

5 steps to build a culture of engagement

Ensuring that your community engagement is successful and worthwhile requires full buy-in and continuous support from all levels of the community, starting with your organisation and eventually also your residents. It comes down to creating a culture of engagement. This doesn’t have to be daunting, and in the long run it will save you time, money, and headaches.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
March 17, 2023

What's the difference between community development and engagement

The terms “community engagement” and “community development” are sometimes used interchangeably. After all, both ideas are based on the strength and improvement of our communities. Nonetheless, there are a few key distinctions between the two concepts. Let’s take a closer look at what they are.

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Strategic Planning & Budgeting
How a participatory budget helps you reach a more diverse audience
Sören Fillet
March 16, 2023

How a participatory budget helps you reach a more diverse audience

Participatory budgeting — or, in plain English, involving community members in the allocation of public funds —is a powerful tool for councils to empower their community members and co-create more pleasant, accessible, and equitable places.

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Mobility & Infrastructure
How to engage the community on safe mobility options ‍
Vanja Pantic
March 15, 2023

How community engagement can increase bicyclist and pedestrian safety

When local governments tackle comprehensive mobility planning, they also undertake the important task of expanding and improving infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. By ensuring that bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure is safe, expansive, and comfortable, local governments can make these modes of transport more accessible.

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Neighbourhoods & Community Development
Sören Fillet
March 7, 2023

Citizens’ assemblies and panels on the rise: catching the deliberative wave

In recent years, citizens’ assemblies, panels, and committees have increasingly been implemented at all levels of government across the globe. They’ve been particularly useful to address polarising issues such as climate change, with the infamous Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat commissioned by French President Macron as a recent national-level example.

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Environment & Sustainability
Vanja Pantic
March 6, 2023

What does environmental and sustainability action look like? 5 examples

Whether it’s a commitment to sustainable urban development, waste and pollution control, managing biodiversity, or educating households and businesses on environmental policy, local governments play a critical role in moving forward environmental programs in their local communities. Because environment and sustainability projects are so complex and far-reaching, when creating plans to tackle these issues it’s important that local governments engage their communities to identify priority issues and co-create actional solutions.

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Engagement Strategy
Participation methods: how to choose the right one
Sören Fillet
March 4, 2023

Participation methods: how to choose the right one

Survey, idea collection, participatory budget… when launching a community engagement project, there are many participation methods to choose from.

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Ready to learn more?

Chat with a community engagement expert to see how our online engagement platform can take your participation projects to the next level.

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