
Empower your residents with our Petitions tool

  • User-friendly resident participation experience
  • Customisable to local needs
  • AI-driven insights for informed decision-making

This bottom-up participation method empowers residents to shape policies and initiatives directly, leveraging their unique position to identify and address gaps in current policies, fostering a more inclusive and responsive democratic process. Go Vocal offers everything to set you up for success. From an intuitive space for residents to propose, support, and discuss initiatives to a strong back-end that gives you valuable insights into what truly matters to your community.

This bottom-up participation method empowers residents to shape policies and initiatives directly, leveraging their unique position to identify and address gaps in current policies, fostering a more inclusive and responsive democratic process. Go Vocal offers everything to set you up for success. From an intuitive space for residents to propose, support, and discuss initiatives to a strong back-end that gives you valuable insights into what truly matters to your community.

Why choose Go Vocal’s Petitions tool

  • Cost-efficient: Save significantly on development and maintenance by consolidating your [proposals and petitions into your engagement platform.
  • Customisable: Residents can customise their petitions’ page with their own descriptions and images to create a compelling story.
  • Status management: Edit and add customisable statuses as needed to reflect the stages of each proposal.
  • Hybrid engagement: Upload offline petitions to ensure all community voices are heard.
  • AI Sensemaking: Use advanced AI to identify patterns and insights in petitions, facilitating informed decision-making.
  • Comprehensive reporting: Generate detailed reports on petitions for transparent communication and accountability.
  • Co-sponsorship: Allow registered community members to become co-sponsors of petitions, giving insight into the topics that truly matter.

See Proposals in action

Test out the Proposals feature on Vocal Point, our interactive demo platform! Submit ideas, co-sponsor initiatives, and see firsthand how this tool fosters collaboration and participation.

Thousands of your peers…

are using Go Vocal’s Sensemaking input analysis assistant to make more-informed decisions, enhance engagement strategies, and work more efficiently.

Get inspired by these resources

Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
December 3, 2024
Implementing Petitions successfully: A step-by-step guide

Governments are increasingly recognising the value of petitions. This engagement method empowers residents to shape policies directly, leaning on their unique insights and lived experiences. However, implementing a petitions process isn't as simple as flipping a switch. Success requires thoughtful planning, internal buy-in, and the right tooling.

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Leveraging AI in community engagement

In this guide, we'll explore the potential of AI as a way for local governments to amplify the voice of your residents, particularly zooming in on its benefits and use cases for community engagement.

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Case Study
How Copenhagen got 12,000 residents to participate in large-scale Proposals project in just 4 months

In August 2023, the City of Copenhagen took a bold step forward on their participatory democracy journey with a new community engagement initiative: encouraging residents to submit proposals for city improvement projects.

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Ready to see our
platform in action?

Chat with a community engagement expert to see how our online engagement platform can take your participation projects to the next level.

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