Cookie policy

Go Vocal NV, Boulevard Pachéco 34, 1000 Brussels - Belgium ("Go Vocal," "we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Cookie Policy provides detailed information about how and why we use cookies on our website.

1. What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used to make websites work more efficiently, as well as to provide reporting information. They are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones, and other devices. These are designed to help us improve your user experience when using our website, understand your usage of our services, and personalize our online advertisements and content according to this usage.

2. Types of Cookies We Use

We use third-party cookies on our website. These cookies are set by our partners and help us provide a better user experience by analyzing how our website is used, delivering relevant advertisements, and providing you with personalized content. In addition, these cookies enable us to personalize ads based on your preferences and usage of our services.

3. Here are the third-party services we use and the types of cookies they set:

  • Intercom: This service provides push notifications
  • LinkedIn: We use LinkedIn cookies for tracking conversions, retargeting our website visitors, and understanding information about our audience.
  • Pardot, Dealfront: These services are used for our marketing automation and to manage our customer relationships.
  • Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager: These Google services help us understand how our visitors use our website, what content is popular, and to improve our website performance. Google may also use the collected data for personalizing ads. More information about how Google uses this data can be found here.
  • Microsoft Clarity, Hotjar: These cookies help us understand how users interact with our website, helping us to improve usability and user experience.

4. Managing Cookies

When you first visit our website, a cookie banner will appear, notifying you of our use of cookies and how we and our partners, including Google, use your data for the personalization of ads. More information can be found at This banner gives you the option to accept or decline cookies. If you decline, your information won't be tracked when you visit this website.

5. Data Sharing and Security

Go Vocal respects your privacy. We do not share the data collected through our cookies with any third parties, except as described above. The data collected through cookies is secured by strong security measures in line with ISO guidelines, including mandatory two-factor authentication for all accounts. Our security measures ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

6. Changes to This Cookie Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. The most recent version of this Cookie Policy will always be posted on our website, with the "Effective Date" posted at the top of the Policy. We will notify you of any changes through a notification on our website or as otherwise required by law.

7. Acceptance of This Cookie Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. The most recent version of this Cookie Policy will always be posted on our website, with the "Effective Date" posted at the top of the Policy. We will notify you of any changes through a notification on our website or as otherwise required by law.

8. Contact Us

For any questions, comments, or more information concerning this Cookie Policy, please contact us at