Go Vocal and open source

Being open-source means we can continue to remove barriers to participation and give even more communities access to Go Vocal’s platform.

Why is Go Vocal open source?

Democracy belongs to all of us, and we believe that the algorithms shaping our institutions should be visible to everyone. By opening up our code, we are practicing what we preach and strengthening community engagement by increasing transparency to everyone. As a company dedicated to making a positive social impact, we also prioritize purpose over profit. Being open-source means we can continue to remove barriers to participation and give even more communities access to the platform.

Who benefits from open source open source?

We've designed an open-core model that frees up our essential functionalities for organizations that don’t have the resources for a license with Go Vocal. This means small and resource-strapped organizations can now run the platform on their servers and power basic engagement projects, free of charge. This open-source license does not include technical support or training from the Go Vocal team.

Our standard and premium functionalities are source-available, which means that the code is accessible but can’t be used without purchasing a license with us.

What does Go Vocal’s open-source model include? 

Go Vocal adopts a so-called open-core model, which means that there are two product editions available. The first edition is Go Vocal’s Free Edition includes all core functionalities, freely available under the AGPLv3 license. This edition is designed for small organizations running their next engagement project.

The second edition is Go Vocal’s Commercial Edition, including extra features described under Standard/Premium. The source code is also available on Github, but can only be used through a paid commercial license. This edition is your best option if you plan to run many engagement projects, in order to have access to more back-office functionalities and manage your platform efficiently. We offer it under a Software-as-a-service subscription. 

Interested in learning more about our plans instead?

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