Go Vocal case studies: Community engagement success stories

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Havant Borough, UK

Havant Borough leverages Go Vocal's Power BI integration to drive inclusive and data-driven decision-making

Havant Borough, like many local authorities across the UK, prioritises fostering inclusive and equitable engagement with its residents. However, data dispersion across systems hindered comprehensive analysis, making it difficult to assess the true representativeness of participating residents. By co-developing a Power BI integration with Go Vocal, Havant Borough can now capitalise on the full potential of its data, paving the way for more inclusive and well-informed decision-making processes.

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Cambridge, UK

Cambridge City Council analyses input 50% faster with Go Vocal's AI assistant

Cambridge experienced first-hand the power of Go Vocal's AI assistant in the analysis of open-ended text responses during their Design Code consultation for northern Cambridge neighbourhoods. Discover how it helped the team save 10 precious hours and opened the door for including more free-text questions in future consultations, enriching the depth and quality of community engagement.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

How Copenhagen got 12,000 residents to participate in large-scale Proposals project in just 4 months

In August 2023, the City of Copenhagen took a bold step forward on their participatory democracy journey with a new community engagement initiative: encouraging residents to submit proposals for city improvement projects.

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Multiple cities

INJUV empowers 28,250 millennials to discuss sustainable development ideas for Chile

INJUV, Chile’s National Youth Institute, is a public institution that collaborates with the government in designing policies related to youth affairs. To give millennials across the country the chance to voice their ideas on local community development, INJUV launched an online platform in the winter of 2019.

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Leuven, Belgium

Over 3,000 residents contribute to Leuven's multi-annual plan

The Flemish city of Leuven (101,000 inhabitants) has made the leap towards citizen participation! During this first project on the city’s strategic planning, over 3,000 inhabitants raised their voices.

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Newham, UK

Case study: collective urban planning in the London Borough of Newham

The London Borough of Newham has launched its consultation platform to include residents, businesses and shoppers in urban planning decisions.

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Stirling, UK

Stirling Council implements centralised community engagement

With a population of around 94,000, the Stirling Council area sits right in the heart of Scotland. When the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic sent shockwaves to communities around the world, Stirling Council found itself with a conundrum: how could they get valuable community input without in-person meetings?

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Newham, UK

How the London Borough of Newham used community assemblies

With around 300,000 residents, Newham is one of the biggest and most diverse boroughs in London, so it should be no surprise that it’s not new to community engagement. In fact, Newham’s recent leadership has prioritized involving residents and creating a more participatory democracy, including via a dedicated Resident Engagement and Participation team.

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Linz, Austria

Case Study: Citizen Proposals in Linz

Linz (204,846 inhabitants), Austria’s third-biggest city, is known for its baroque architecture, its museums, its centre for electronic arts… and its actions in digital democracy. In 2019, the city launched a new participation platform to widen the scope of public engagement, allowing citizens to participate on any topic, from anywhere, at any time.

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Ghent, Belgium

Community Panels & Budgets: Ghent's Participatory Budgeting Project

Ghent, known for its beautiful market squares and stunning medieval city center, is the capital of the Belgian province of East-Flanders. With more than 260,000 inhabitants, Ghent charmingly combines the hustle and bustle of a bigger city with a small town’s cozy atmosphere.

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Multiple cities

Participatory budgeting in 3 case studies

Participatory budgeting is one of the most popular forms of citizen consultation. More than just a buzzword, the tool is used by elected officials who want to make public governance more accessible and transparent. Far from applying a generic formula, each community creates its own process based on its own reality.

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Newham, UK

Lessons learned from Newham's participatory budget programme

Newham recently evaluated their Community Assemblies initiative, now known as People Powered Places. This article outlines a summary of the report’s key insights and ideas for future improvement. Read on to kindle fresh ideas for invigorating engagement within your own community!

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Newham, UK

Lessons learned from Newham's participatory budget program

Newham recently evaluated their Community Assemblies initiative, now known as People Powered Places. This article outlines a summary of the report’s key insights and ideas for future improvement. Read on to kindle fresh ideas for invigorating engagement within your own community!

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Multiple cities

Artificial intelligence and citizen participation, a case-study - CitizenLab's Blog

Youth for Climate used CitizenLab’s NLP technology to turn thousands of citizen contributions into concise and actionable insights. Here’s what we learned from analysing over 1,700 ideas.

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Vienna, Austria

Vienna's Climate Team: award-winning hybrid engagement project

The climate crisis is forcing governments around the globe to reassess and change direction. Vienna, the capital of Austria, is no exception. The city – famous for its baroque streetscapes and imperial palaces – aims to be climate-neutral by 2040 and is therefore prioritizing climate and sustainability projects. Since 2022, the Vienna Climate Team has been actively engaging residents in a collaborative and inclusive effort to shape a sustainable climate future together. Let’s explore what their participation project has achieved to this day!

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Grand Paris Sud, France

Case Study: all eyes on the climate in Grand Paris Sud

Grand Paris Sud (346.826 inhabitants), an intercommunal structure south of Paris, decided to pull up its sleeves and work towards progress. In the spirit of democracy, they chose to seek the opinions of those who know best: the citizens.

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Havant Borough, UK

Havant Borough: harnessing digital engagement in Local Planning

Havant Borough embarked on an ambitious journey to involve residents in creating its Local Plan: “Building a Better Future”. Apart from getting valuable insights from as many people as possible, the team also wanted to set the stage for continuous engagement. By leveraging the CitizenLab platform, Havant was able to set up a more collaborative, inclusive, and efficient process.

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Wokingham, UK

Wokingham Borough engages 9,000+ residents on waste strategy

Is a public consultation on a topic as sensitive as waste collections a recipe for disaster? It doesn’t have to be. Wokingham Borough Council proves that with well-designed engagement and communication strategies, you don’t need to fear getting overwhelmed by a flood of – potentially negative – reactions. Here’s how their team made a public consultation on a new waste collection strategy a success.

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