
Go Vocal’s blog—get insights, advice, and all the latest information on trends to help you foster meaningful engagement.

go vocal alternative social pinpoint
Sören Fillet
December 12, 2024

Go Vocal as an alternative to Social Pinpoint? Compare the platforms

You've discovered Social Pinpoint, perhaps through a webinar or a colleague's recommendation. Maybe you think their platform would be a good fit for your online community engagement projects. But there could be something that better aligns with your specific needs.

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go vocal alternative publicinput
Sören Fillet
December 11, 2024

Go Vocal as an alternative to PublicInput? Compare the platforms

You’ve likely come across PublicInput through a webinar, a colleague’s suggestion, or a quick online search. At first glance, their platform may seem like a good option for online participation or community engagement. But could there be something out there that better aligns with your specific needs?

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what is govtech
Sören Fillet
October 3, 2024

What is GovTech?

Governments are strategically combining multiple tools and techniques to achieve a 10x improvement across operations, service delivery, customer experience, and mission outcomes. In this article, we'll explore what GovTech is, its benefits, how to implement it, and what the future holds for this exciting field.

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Wietse Van Ransbeeck
August 29, 2019

What’s the Difference Between Civic Tech and GovTech?

In recent years, “Civic Tech” and “GovTech” have become popular catchphrases, often loosely used to describe innovations in the field of government and citizen participation. But are they really the same thing?

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