
Go Vocal’s blog—get insights, advice, and all the latest information on trends to help you foster meaningful engagement.

Engagement Strategy
New York City Public Engagement Unit
Natalie Ricklefs
April 15, 2024

Data, diversity, and connection: lessons from New York City’s Public Engagement Unit

One of our Public Square podcast episodes takes us to the bustling metropolis of New York City, where the Public Engagement Unit (PEU), under the leadership of Adrienne Lever has developed an innovative approach to community engagement. Our conversation with her unveiled key insights and actionable strategies from their work, offering a blueprint for other cities and organizations aiming to enhance community engagement and public service effectiveness.

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Engagement Strategy
seattle equitable engagement comprehensive plans
Natalie Ricklefs
March 6, 2024

Five actionable strategies to put equitable engagement at the forefront of comprehensive planning

We launched our podcast, Public Square, to highlight the transformative stories of local governments worldwide. One episode features an engaging discussion with Aja Hazelhoff from the City of Seattle, focusing on the crucial integration of equitable engagement into comprehensive planning.

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Engagement Strategy
boost participation community engagement events
Sören Fillet
February 1, 2024

Boost your community engagement with Events

In 2023, we launched our updated Events feature and have already seen it help boost engagement: 54% of event attendees had never contributed to their city’s consultation before. And our early results tell us that events are the perfect introduction to the world of participation – they have a strong ability to attract residents who are early in their participation journeys. In fact, 46% of event attendees contribute to other projects!

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
May 10, 2023

Promoting sustainable development with community engagement

By engaging their communities and tapping into collective intelligence, cities across the globe can set better priorities and facilitate sustainable development on a local scale.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
February 10, 2023

Radical vs incremental change: what is the difference?

In a time where problems with governance can be overwhelming, governments are frantically searching for a solution. There is a constant debate about how exactly a government should go about facilitating change, whether that be with incremental improvement or radical change.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
May 8, 2023

Community engagement strategy template

A comprehensive community engagement strategy is key to ensuring the smooth launch of – and satisfying outcomes for – projects. Before initiating a project, it’s best to set clear objectives, define roles and responsibilities, and select the most promising communication channels. Looking for some guidance? Discover Go Vocal’s Online Engagement Canvas and how it can help you design your strategy.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
January 6, 2023

5 Indices & Frameworks to Evaluate E-participation

Below, we are listing 5 metrics, tools, solutions and frameworks which are useful to measure how governments are performing when it comes to implementing e-participation initiatives. This article is the second of our e-Participation series. If you haven’t read “The Framework That Will Make You Understand E-participation” yet, hop over there and read it first.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
May 6, 2023

Measuring social impact: 4 things to consider for better evaluation

Community engagement platforms can increase civic participation, improve trust between residents and governments, and can help collect data that increases the impact of your projects. When you optimize the way you use social impact data, there’s a real opportunity to assess a project’s performance and outcomes, improve future processes, and run more efficient and ethical projects.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
January 25, 2023

4 reasons why digital participation is easier than you think

If you’re reading this post, chances are you’re probably already convinced that citizen participation is a good thing. However, what you might not be so convinced about is that involving citizens in decision-making can be done without huge amounts of resources. And yet, it’s true thanks to digital participation!

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
September 8, 2022

Why you need a community engagement platform

You know that your residents want to be more involved in local decision-making, but how do you involve them both meaningfully and efficiently? Community engagement can help by facilitating more active collaboration with the residents, businesses, visitors, and other stakeholders in your community.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
November 7, 2023

Why citizen participation is key for policymakers

Citizen initiatives are gaining popularity, citizen assemblies are proposed as a solution to defrost polarised debate, and overall, there are more participation methods to choose from than ever before.

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Engagement Strategy
Irene Pedruelo
September 20, 2023

Why Citizen Initiatives are vital to local democracy: 4 key success factors

Citizen initiatives are often presented as a potential antidote in the face of growing political disaffection in many parts of the world. However, all citizen initiatives differ from each other. We identified 4 key success factors.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
October 29, 2023

Why being skeptical of democracy and government is not (always) a bad thing

Today’s political landscape is characterised by strong polarisation, a sense of unease, and a decline of trust in our governments (and democracy as a whole).

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
April 27, 2023

What’s the difference between deliberation and participation?

Deliberation and participation may seem like similar concepts. At their core, they kind of are: both deliberative and participatory democracies are systems that include citizens in governance.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
August 12, 2023

The ladder of citizen participation and community engagement

In recent years, communities across the globe have voiced a burgeoning need and desire to be directly involved in local decision-making.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
June 15, 2023

How to leverage AI in community engagement

Three years ago we asked ourselves, “How can natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies help digital democracy platforms?” Go Vocal developed a feature that realizes just that.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet

How to facilitate digital deliberation

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
February 15, 2023

How much does a community engagement platform cost?

When it comes to community engagement, most governments’ first concerns are the associated costs. Large-scale projects involving thousands of people must be incredibly costly, right? Well… not always. An online community engagement platform can reduce the cost of participation drastically. Let’s dive deeper into the investment and what you get in return.

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Engagement Strategy
Natalie Ricklefs
August 23, 2023

How mapping tools can advance your placemaking projects

Leverage visual tools when planning your public spaces to help your residents analyze and pinpoint areas of improvement in your community.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
February 20, 2023

How citizen participation helps to rebuild trust within communities

In the aftermath of a polarising debate, public servants are expected to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. But how do you bridge this divide and inspire your community to move forward together? The answer could lie in citizen participation.

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Engagement Strategy
Wietse Van Ransbeeck
March 30, 2023

Here’s why we are going open source

Scaling our impact while practicing transparency and equity

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
March 17, 2023

What's the difference between community development and engagement

The terms “community engagement” and “community development” are sometimes used interchangeably. After all, both ideas are based on the strength and improvement of our communities. Nonetheless, there are a few key distinctions between the two concepts. Let’s take a closer look at what they are.

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Engagement Strategy
Natalie Ricklefs
June 7, 2023

Develop a communications plan for your community engagement projects

Understanding how your community – and who in your community – currently engages with local topics is crucial to identifying opportunities and gaps for your next community engagement project. Before getting started, consider who you need to reach and how you will do it.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
July 2, 2023

Create an interactive planning process with the Konveio integration

Whether you’re working in the public or private sector, you’ll inevitably find yourself needing buy-in from community members and other stakeholders. Comprehensive plans, economic development plans, strategic plans, climate action plans, mobility plans – whatever your mandate, most planning processes share the same core components and necessitate public engagement.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
July 15, 2023

Why sharing community engagement results is so important

So, you’ve engaged your community. You’ve asked residents and stakeholders to share ideas, cast votes, or take part in a survey. You might’ve even asked them to allocate budgets or invited them to an online workshop. And now, your community engagement results are in.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
March 4, 2023

Participation methods: how to choose the right one

Survey, idea collection, participatory budget… when launching a community engagement project, there are many participation methods to choose from.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
June 21, 2023

Boost engagement with anonymous participation

Anonymous participation can be the key to unlocking engagement on topics that your community is divided on. We’ve helped clients host their fair share of such projects on Go Vocal platforms, and we heard the desire for an anonymous participation option loud and clear. Read more to learn how this latest feature can help increase engagement rates.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
June 16, 2023

3 Tips to Blend Online and Offline Community Engagement

Are you a firm believer in the offline old-school? Or do you choose the digital route whenever you can? Good news: when it comes to community engagement, you don’t have to pick one.

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Engagement Strategy
Sören Fillet
September 7, 2023

Best practices for moderation of a community engagement platform

Harnessing the full power of your community engagement platform requires effective moderation. This ensures vibrant, inclusive dialogue and boosts trust. Dive into best practices to enhance the quality and productivity of the conversations on your platform.

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Engagement Strategy
Vanja Pantic
January 26, 2023

6 examples of creative ways to engage your community

Oftentimes it can feel like your community engagement project is just one of the many things competing for your residents’ time. As a result, you’ve probably found yourself wondering how you can make engagement more appealing and participation more exciting. The good news is that there are plenty of creative ways to engage your community members! While we always encourage local governments and organizations to run meaningful engagement projects, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for fun and lighthearted activities. After all, your community engagement platform should be a space where your residents and other stakeholders want to return to when there are opportunities to provide input and deliberation.

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Engagement Strategy
Natalie Ricklefs
April 5, 2023

5 steps to build a culture of engagement in your city

Ensuring that your community engagement is successful and worthwhile requires the full buy-in and continuous support from all levels of the community, starting with your organization and eventually also your residents. It requires developing a culture of engagement in your city. This doesn’t have to be daunting, and in the long run it will save you time, money, and headaches. In many states, community engagement is even now written into new laws and policies. For example, in Washington, as part of the promotion of environmental justice, the state requires that by July 1, 2022 all agencies have a defined community engagement plan for more equitable public participation in sustainable policies. Beyond legal requirements, community engagement is also becoming a norm in the pursuit of developing more inclusive and participatory governments. So let’s start building a culture of community engagement in your city today.

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