Go Vocal case studies: Community engagement success stories

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Multiple cities

INJUV empowers 28,250 millennials to discuss sustainable development ideas for Chile

INJUV, Chile’s National Youth Institute, is a public institution that collaborates with the government in designing policies related to youth affairs. To give millennials across the country the chance to voice their ideas on local community development, INJUV launched an online platform in the winter of 2019.

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Multiple cities

Artificial intelligence and citizen participation, a case-study - CitizenLab's Blog

Youth for Climate used CitizenLab’s NLP technology to turn thousands of citizen contributions into concise and actionable insights. Here’s what we learned from analysing over 1,700 ideas.

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Multiple cities

Participatory budgeting in 3 case studies

Participatory budgeting is one of the most popular forms of citizen consultation. More than just a buzzword, the tool is used by elected officials who want to make public governance more accessible and transparent. Far from applying a generic formula, each community creates its own process based on its own reality.

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