Go Vocal case studies: Community engagement success stories

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Havant Borough, UK

Havant Borough leverages Go Vocal's Power BI integration to drive inclusive and data-driven decision-making

Havant Borough, like many local authorities across the UK, prioritises fostering inclusive and equitable engagement with its residents. However, data dispersion across systems hindered comprehensive analysis, making it difficult to assess the true representativeness of participating residents. By co-developing a Power BI integration with Go Vocal, Havant Borough can now capitalise on the full potential of its data, paving the way for more inclusive and well-informed decision-making processes.

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Havant Borough, UK

Havant Borough: harnessing digital engagement in Local Planning

Havant Borough embarked on an ambitious journey to involve residents in creating its Local Plan: “Building a Better Future”. Apart from getting valuable insights from as many people as possible, the team also wanted to set the stage for continuous engagement. By leveraging the CitizenLab platform, Havant was able to set up a more collaborative, inclusive, and efficient process.

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